Studio: Jim Slip
Niches: Big boobs, British, Brunette, Casting, Masturbation, Shaved, Stockings, Teen 18+
Performers: Minny Manga , Jim Slip
This week we have the quintissential cute teen in the form of Minny. This girl is so sugary and cute if you were a cannibal you would put her in a puff pastry pie and serve her up for afters with lashings of custard to your hungry cannibal family, as a well deserved treat! My wife Lara Latex did the preliminaries with the introductions etc and Minny did a very sexy "single girl masterbation" ( Definition from the "Pornographers Handbook of Current Terminology") sequence to get things started. Wearing a cute little dress and with her hand plunged into her frilly little knickers, it didn't take long before Lara called for my assistance as there is only so much "Single girl masterbation" a girl can take before she requires some hard cock stuffed into her. Luckily as ever I was close at hand!
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